How much money did you spend, or plan on spending on bridal shoes?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Here is  one of the most unique  bridal shoes I sell...the platform crystal pump, shown here. You can Wear this shoe after the Wedding, With jeans ! I think that is Why so many brides choose it! Add a peacock feather, for the finishing touch! ( optional)
Brides are my favorite subject, as anyone reading my blog knows already!
what other occasion in life can you spend too much on a dress or shoes?..I'm all about that!

Here are some of the latest looks I love..hope you do too!

okay, any real shoe lover probably knows all about Mr. Louboutin's Disney "Butterfly" princess shoes...Only a  few were made, and the price tag is steep! $6500!
 a limited production is planned for this shoe!

If you, like most of us, cannot afford a couture shoe that costs thousands, then you have many options. Your dream shoe can be made for you! Custom  hand appied crystal shoes are my speciality!
Many options are shown below, but if you have your own idea of a fabulous shoe, then email me: